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Redlining Series

My current work synthesizes years of artistic exploration in many mediums and incorporates my background studying and working in urban environments and for social justice. This series of abstract mixed-media fabric collages is based on redlining maps from the 1930's.


Under the guise of helping the depression-era economy, redlining was a racist practice of mapping cities to identify high-risk areas for bank lending. In fact, this served to further isolate and impoverish minority communities. Redlining, created almost 100 years ago, continues to have devastating effects.


The process of building the multiple layers of these mixed-media maps requires a slow and contemplative study of each city. The pace of the process of layering that includes drawing, hand dying, hand stitching, machine stitching, painting, and print making gives me time to reflect on each block, neighborhood, and city. By focusing on cities where I have lived, I am able to explore the specific implications of the damage that redlining caused and continues to cause to these people and communities.

Red Stain on Philadelphia
Red Stain on Philadelphia   21" x 22"
Red Stain on San Diego
Red Stain on San Diego   16.5" x 13.5"
Red Stain on San Francisco
Red Stain on San Francisco  33" x 25"
Another Red Stain on Philadelphia
Another Red Stain on Philadelphia   11" x 18", NFS
Red Stain on Boston
Red Stain on Boston  24" x 27"
Red Stain on Brooklyn
Red Stain on Albany
Red Stain on Brooklyn   25" x 28.5"
Red Stain on Albany   20" x 21"
philadelphia framed.jpg

Example of Framing Style

To see original Home Owners' Loan Corporation

redlining maps 

To see ArcGIS maps showing modern maps with historic redlining information 

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